var lang = { here_is_your_dl_link: "Here is your download link", file_already_uploaded: "This file has already been uploaded.", upload_failed: "File could not be uploaded.", error: "Error", upload_canceled: "Upload canceled.", uploading: "Uploading..", hashing: "Hashing file..", file_too_large: "File is too large.", download_finished: "Download finished", downloading: "Downloading file", decrypting: "Decrypting file", file_not_found: "File not found", pay_error: "Payment did not work.", password_wrong: "Password was wrong.", dl_not_possible: "File could not be downloaded", dl_canceles: "Upload cnaceles", dl_finished: "Download finished", error: "Error", donator: "Donator", pleasewait: "Please wait..", paynow_stream: "Pay now to start streaming.", paynow_download: "Pay now to start download.", link_copied: "Link copied" }